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mardi 15 mars 2011



avec de belles pensées en sous-titres.

CHANSONS parmi les plus belles avec SOLUTIONS universelles sous-titrées.



''ISLAND IN THE SUN'', sous-titres de Viny Eden

hip hip...hip hip-----------hip hip....hip hip

When you’re on a holiday...You can’t find the words to say....All the things that come to you...And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun...We’ll be playing and having fun...And it makes me feel so fine...I can’t control my brain

hip hip.....hip hip

When you’re on a golden sea....You don’t need no memory...Just a place to call your own...As we drift into the zone

On an island in the sun...We’ll be playing and having fun...And it makes me feel so fine...I can’t control my brainWe’ll run away together...We’ll spend some time forever...We’ll never feel bad anymore...

hip hip.....hip hip------hip hip

On an island in the sun....We’ll be playing and having fun...And it makes me feel so fine...I can’t control my brain

We’ll run away together...We’ll spend some time forever...We’ll never feel bad anymore

Hip Hip....-----(hip hip)-----We’ll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip) no....(hip hip)---We'll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip) no.....(hip hip)---We'll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip)...(hip hip)----No No....(hip hip)---We'll never feel bad anymore

(hip hip)....No No.... no no


Voici la belle chanson de Michael Jackson



De l'École capitaliste d'égoïstes..... à L'ÉDUCATION AUX VALEURS FRATERNELLES

Heal The World lyrics

little girl talking

(I think about the generations,and they say they want to make it a better place for our children and our children's children, so that they they they know it's a better world for them, and I think they can make it a better place)

There's A Place In.....Your Heart---And I Know That It Is Love....And This Place Could

Be Much---Brighter Than Tomorrow.....And If You Really Try

You'll Find There's No Need .....To Cry

In This Place You'll Feel.....There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways....To Get There---If You Care Enough....For The Living

Make A Little Space.....Make A Better Place---

Heal The World......Make It A Better Place---For You And For Me.....And The Entire Human Race---There Are People Dying.....If You Care Enough---For The Living.....Make A Better Place

For You And For Me---

If You Want To Know Why....There's A Love That ...Cannot Lie

Love Is Strong....It Only Cares For...Joyful Giving

If We Try....We Shall See...In This Bliss....We Cannot Feel

Fear Or Dread...We Stop Existing And...Start Living

Then It Feels That Always....Love's Enough For...Us Growing

So Make A Better World....Make A Better World...

Heal The World....Make It A Better Place...For You And For Me....And The Entire Human Race

There Are People Dying....If You Care Enough---For The Living....Make A Better Place

For You And For Me...And The Dream We Were...Conceived In

Will Reveal A Joyful Face...And The World We...Once Believed In...Will Shine Again In Grace

Then Why Do We Keep...Strangling Life...Wound This Earth...Crucify Its Soul

Though It's Plain To See...This World Is Heavenly...Be God's Glow


The Zombies

It's the time of the season
When the love runs high
In this time give it to me easy
And let me try with pleasured hands
To take you in the sun to promised lands
To show you everyone
It's the time of the season for loving...

What's your name? Who's your daddy?
Is he rich like me?
Has he taken any time
To show you what you need to live
Tell it to me slowly. Tell you why
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving...
*Solo* (verse & chorus)

What's your name? Who's your daddy?
Is he rich like me?
Has he taken any time
To show you what you need to live
Tell it to me slowly. Tell you why
I really want to know
It's the time of the season for loving...
*Solo* (repeat 'n' fade)





Vicky Leabdros

Londres met en place tous les Chefs de tous les États, et toutes ces classes bourgeoises dirgeant nos pays nous dépeuplent; nous divisent; brisent sciemment les familles et maintiennent la majorité pauvre afin de protéger leurs hiérarchies..... On ne hiérarchise pas des humains: mais on hiérarchise des livres/documents, des étages, des bibliothèques.....

Si il y a une ALLEMANDE assez gentille pour prendre le temps de transcrire cette chanson et me lMevoyer pour que je rende ce texte accessible aux internautes, je la remercie à l'avance.

Envoyez-moi la traduction de cette belle chanson à

e-mail de Viny Eden



Avec textes sur le G-8 et ses champs d'OPIUM, car la drogue tue plus que les guerres et personne ne peut arriver à accuser ses États d'en faire le Commerce À MOINS QUE.....


Ce n'était qu'un rêve, Céline Dion..... avec pensées magnifiques


GROOVE, Earth Wind and Fire


This never hapened before, Paul Mc Cartney


Un jour mon rêve, Vicky Leandros



PETITE MARIE, par Francis Cabrel

avec textes de Viny E.



chanté par Claudette et CÉLINE DION

Cette magnifique chanson fut composée par mon ami Serge Gagnon qui m'accueillait dans son magasin de musique à Alma au Lac-St-Jean (P.Q., Canada) et que j'accompagnais avec des guitares de son magasin, lui jouant admirablement de l'orgue Amon B3. Serge a vendu sa composition à son beau-frère Martin Pelletier et à sa soeur Thérèse Deroy. Cette chanson fut traduite en plusieurs langues.....



California Dream, .... réflexions en sous-titres


Bridge on the trouble water, Paul Simon and Garfunkel


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